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Distance from Athens to Santorini

Athens to Santorini distance is 397 miles (638 km). Travel time depends on the type of transport you will be traveling on. You can get to Santorini the fastest by plane (within 50 minutes). However, it takes from six to ten hours by ferry or ship (depending on the type and speed of the sea vessel and the number of stops provided according to the established route).

Are you planning a trip to Greece?

We recommend booking excellent tours. 
You can use the services of the most popular operators:

  • Santorini Day Tours - offers first-class one-day excursions around the island, by catamaran, by helicopter, ordering which you will get an unforgettable experience;
  • Niki Olympic Tours - guarantees the maximum satisfaction of the various needs of consumers by organizing shore excursions and religious tours, as well as planning private trips throughout Greece and the islands.

6-Day Private Tour to Santorini & Athens with Sunset Cruise to Caldera is best for discovering the various sights of Greece. 
A professional beach dress photoshoot against the backdrop of the exquisite sunset of Santorini will be an enjoyable pastime and an exciting experience for you.

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